PhD Students
2012 Severo Ochoa PhD Students
María Cebrián Renau Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Inés Camacho Iñesta Stellar and Interstellar Physics |
2013 La Caixa - Severo Ochoa PhD Students
Daniel Mata Sánchez Stellar and Interstellar Physics |
Rui J. Marques Coelho Chaves Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Ernest Alsina Ballester Solar Physics |
Ismael García Bernete Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Ana Belén Griñón Marín Solar Physics |
2013 Severo Ochoa PhD Students
David Morate González Exoplanets and Solar System My PhD thesis project is supervised by Dr. J. Licandro and Dr. J. de León, and aims to study and determine the composition of a significant number of primitive asteroids, both near-Earth and main belt asteroids, and provide quantitative tests of the dynamical models that explain their origin and evolution by obtaining ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectra of three different but related groups: primitive asteroids classified as B-types (main belt), asteroids of the Polana and Erigone primitive families, and primitive near-Earth asteroids. |
Antonio Ferragamo Cosmology and Astroparticles |
Pedro González Morales Solar Physics My PhD thesis project is supervised by Dr. E. Khomenko and Dr. M. Collados. Simulations of magnetohydrodynamic waves from the photosphere to the chromosphere will be done to study the formation of structures as the halos or other phenomena due to the strong magnetic field of solar active regions as sunspots. The numerical code, developed by the solar physics group at IAC, will be modified to include a realistic equation of state given by the OPAL project as well as the possibility of include different multi-source models. |
David Sánchez Aguado Stellar and Interstellar Physics |
2014 La Caixa - Severo Ochoa PhD Students
Luis Cicuéndez Salazar Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Melania Cubas Armas Solar Physics |
Amanda María del Olmo García Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Carlos José Díaz Baso Solar Physics |
2014 Severo Ochoa PhD Students
Pablo Arrabal Haro Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Víctor Pérez Mesa Stellar and Interstellar Physics |
Jorge Prieto Arranz Exoplanets and Solar System |
2015 La Caixa - Severo Ochoa PhD Students
Francesca Pinna Formation and Evolution of Galaxies |
Carina Fian Cosmology and Astroparticles |
2015 Severo Ochoa PhD Students
Gaia Vanzo Cosmology and Astroparticles |
TBD Solar Physics |