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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 44 - January/February 2013

SIEminar: Normaliza tu CV y sé feliz! - Tuesday 05 February, 12.30

CVN stands for Curriculum Vitae Normalizado (Standardized Curriculum Vitae) and is a new format developed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). This format is now the one accepted and used in the Government Ministries and Agencies, Universities, OPIs, etc. Soon older formats (for instance Word documents) will become obsolete and won't be allowed any longer. So we urge you to obtain your CVN, especially if you wish to apply for research positions or funds. In this talk, first Paco Garzón will give an overview of what the CVN is and its importance, then Antonio Dorta will show you, with practical examples, how to convert an existing CV in CICYT, MICINN or Ramón y Cajal format into a shiny new CVN in a few simple steps, and how to use ADS or other publication databases to maintain it up to date. Step by step instructions can also be found in four SIEpedia articles (in spanish). Start from CVN: Información General and then read parts 2 through 4.

Diodo: so long, and thanks for all the number crunching

As you probably already know, the last few months in Diodo's life have been quite miserable: first two hard disks failed, and thus we had to shut-down two nodes (to make things worse, they were both those with 16 CPUs each); then the master node failed, bacause of a problem with a hard-disk controller (the warranty period had long past expired). With the greatly increased availability of the refurbished LaPalma supercomputer, there is no point in getting Diodo operative again with the surviving hardware, so it will be dismantled and put to rest. If you had files in Diodo's home directory that you hadn't the time or opportunity to retrieve, I'm happy to inform you that Ubay managed to get a copy which is available at /net/redil/scratch/diodo/home.tgz. If you wish to run parallel programs or multiprocessor jobs, we can certainly help you in compiling and running them in the LaPalma supercomputer.

Condor/LaPalma Hall of Fame

We have published the statistics for the second semester of 2012 for Condor and the LaPalma supercomputer.
Condor has been working steadily, though maintaining the trend of a reduced CPU consumption with respect to the previous semester. Usage data show that, on average, 130 CPUs (out of about 500) were running Condor-submitted jobs. For details visit the SIE forum.
Local usage at the LaPalma supercomputer (that is by IAC users who applied through our allocation committee) in the time period July-October 2012 has been of 210000 hours, about 90% of the available time (a little more than the previous period). Breakdown of usage can be found in the SIE forum.

Mac OS X support: update

Some progress has been made about the installation of astronomical software in Mac OS X, though some rough edges still remain. The Astronomical Software for Mac OS X webpage lists those packages we managed to install, along with some pointers and tips. A step-by-step guide on how to install IRAF (v2.16) in a Mac can be found in IRAF in Mac OS X. We also provide instructions to install PGPLOT with PNG and TK drivers and the E3D package.
A big caveat though is that all the above has been tested on Mac Lion (10.7.4) with MacPorts and the HPC compilers installed. We will be unable to provide support for older OS X versions, or different configurations (for instance HomeBrew instead of MacPorts).

Distribution to web server with test option

We have added a new option to the script that distributes webpages from the test server (marta) to the internal web server (venus). Now it's possible to tick the "test" checkbox so that the script will show what files will be transferred or deleted without doing it actually. This may be useful to make sure that no unwanted files will be copied or, worse, deleted. Please be informed that it's not immediately obvious that the "test" mode has been enabled: the only cue is the "--DRY-RUN" string at the end of the output. We plan to implement later on this functionality in the script to copy to the external web server (rialto).
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 44 - January/February 2013 - Contact: