Shatokhina, Iuliia (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Hutterer, Victoria (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Ramlau, Ronny (Johannes Kepler University Linz)
In this paper we present two novel algorithms for wavefront reconstruction from pyramid-type wavefront sensor data. Assuming a computationally very challenging setting corresponding to the extreme adaptive optics on the European Extremely Large Telescope, we present the results of the performed end-to-end simulations and compare the achieved AO correction quality (in terms of the Long-Exposure Strehl ratio) to other methods like MVM and P-CuReD. Also, we provide a comparison in terms of applicability and computational complexity and closed loop performance, of our novel algorithms to other methods existing for this type of sensor.
DOI: 10.26698/AO4ELT5.0016
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