The JBO-IAC 33GHz Interferometer. Results
The JBO-IAC 33GHz Interferometer was operative since 1997 until the end of 2002. During this period, the following scientific results were achieved.
Maps with short spacing configuration (l=100)
Stack for declination +41 degrees, observed with the short spacing. It is shown (from top to bottom); the cosine channel, and its noise level; the sine channel and its noise level.

Maps with wide spacing configuration (l=200)
Stack for declination +41 degrees, observed with the wide spacing. It is shown (from top to bottom); the cosine channel, and its noise level; the sine channel and its noise level.

Measurements on the power spectrum
Power spectrum from five declinations observed using the compact configuration (first measurement) and one declination using the extended configuration (second measurement). Error bars represent the 68% CL (in a Bayesian sense), and do not include the calibration uncertainty. The complete analysis can be found in the PhD thesis of J.A.Rubiño-Martin.