Network-wide Training Activities

  • Researchers will be trained to expert level in the following areas:

Using large professional telescopes.

All researchers will be involved in observational campaigns using modern telescopes, using facilities in Europe and elsewhere, as well as space-based facilities. DAGAL fellows will be involved in planning and executing the campaigns, in reducing and analysing the data, and in proposal preparation for follow-up projects.

Numerical modelling.

All researchers will become involved in some modelling under the guidance of world experts, either by performing work as part of an existing project, or specifically aiming to solve a new problem suggested by observations.

Use of archival data. 

All researchers will spend some time learning the basic concepts of working with archives, and the advantages and disadvantages of using archival data and large data sets.

  • ESRs (PhD students) will spend significant time outside their main node. A Joint Supervision will be carried out between their main and their secondary node. ERs (postdocs) will be encouraged to travel widely collaborating with various nodes and to participate in the training of their junior colleagues. 
  • Training activities will be complemented during the network meetings. External specialist may be invited to deliver master classes on topics of research or complementary skills. Aspects like project management  and scientific publishing will be discussed in depth.