1.- El objetivo de esta convocatoria esta destinado a apoyar directamente el trabajo de investigadores y creadores culturales que, encontrándose en estadios intermedios de su carrera, entre 30 y 45 años, para el desarrollo de un proyecto altamente personal e innovador en el correspondiente ámbito de especialización o actividad. La finalidad especifica de la beca queda a la entera elección de cada solicitante, con el único requisito de que el destino de la financiación solicitada esté claramente asociado al desarrollo de un proyecto individual. 
2.- Las áreas objeto de la convocatoria son las siguiente: 
- Ciencias Básicas (Física, Química, Matemáticas).
- Biología, Ciencias del Medio Ambiente y de la Tierra. 
- Biomedicina.
- Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación, otras Ingenierías y Arquitectura.
- Economía y Gestión de Empresas, Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales.
- Humanidades (Filosofía, Filología, Literatura, Linguística, Historia, Estética y Musicología).
- Artes Plásticas y Arte Digital.
- Música (composición, dirección e interpretación) y Ópera.
- Creación Literaria y Teatro. 

El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes: desde el 1 de marzo de 2017 al 27 de abril de 2017, a las 19:00 h, hora peninsular. Si la solicitud contuviera errores subsanables, el solicitante tendrá un plazo improrrogable de 10 días naturales desde dicha comunicación. 

Podrán ser beneficiarios al menos 55 becas con un importe bruto máximo de 40.000 euros. La dotación global de esta convocatoria está fijada en 2.200.000 euros. Todas la becas estarán sujetas a las retenciones y los impuestos que estipule la legislación vigente, los cuales serán detraídos de la correspondiente dotación económica.

Los proyectos presentados tendrán una duración de entre 6 y 18 meses desde la suscripción del compromiso de aceptación de la beca. El proyecto objeto de la beca deberá estar completado al finalizar este período. 

- Los solicitantes serán personas físicas, investigadores o creadores culturales de nacionalidad española con residencia en España. 
- Deberá tener una edad comprendida entre los 30 y 45 años en el momento de la solicitud. 
- Deberá encontrarse en un estadio intermedio de su carrera o actividad profesional con una innovadora trayectoria científica o creativa. 
Si el proyecto presentado fuera a desarrollarse en una universidad, un centro público de investigación, un centro privado (no lucrativo) de investigación o en un hospital, el solicitante deberá estar adscrito al mismo en el momento de la firma del compromiso de aceptación. 

Más información

Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2013

"Warm Dark Matter Galaxies in Agreement with Observations: Formation, Evolution and Supermassive Black Holes"

Location: Meudon Castle-CIAS , Observatoire de Paris at Meudon , France

Dates: 5, 6, 7 June 2013


SUMMARY: The Workshop addresses the last and fast progresses made in Warm Dark Matter (WDM) Galaxies in agreement with Observations including the new quantum mechanical framework to galaxy structure reproducing in particular the observed  galaxy density cores and their sizes. Warm Dark Matter solves naturally the serious problems of Cold Dark Matter Galaxies, (CDM+ baryons), clarifies and simplifies the present galaxy model situation and agrees with the observations at small as well as large and cosmological scales. This turning point in the galaxy research and the new unifying WDM framework of stars, galaxies  and cosmology will be discussed.  The Workshop addresses as well the experimental search and astrophysical constraints for the WDM particle candidate keV sterile neutrino.


7th Korean Astrophysics Workshop on Dynamics of Disk Galaxies

October 21-24, 2013, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA

Scientific Rationale

Disk galaxies exhibit a variety of structures on various scales. On large scales, global spiral patters wind out from the central parts to almost the outer edge of an optical disk. Often, the inner ends of spiral arms are connected to a bar that extends to both sides of the nucleus. On small scales, interarm spurs, feathers, arm branchings and segments are in close geometrical association with spiral arms, while inner rings, dust-lane shocks, nuclear rings, and nuclear spirals are associated with bars. While a significant progress has been made over past sixty years in our understanding of these structures, there still remain many unsolved issues regarding the patterns in disks and other related processes, which are important to understand disk dynamics. The main topics to be addressed are 

- structures of disks, bulges, and bars 
- formation and maintenance of patterns 

- secular evolution of galaxies driven by bars/spiral arms
- substructure formation of bars/spiral arms
- dynamical modeling 
- pattern speeds and pitch angle determinations
- gaseous component
- the Milky Way Galaxy


International school on "The Galaxy, Stellar Compositions and Dynamics"

First announcement of the IAC/GREAT-ITN school on "The Galaxy, Stellar Compositions and Dynamics"

IAC, La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), September 2-6, 2013

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), under the auspices of the GREAT-ITN (Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training), organizes an international school on "The Galaxy, Stellar Compositions and Dynamics" aimed at providing an understanding of the Milky Way as a holistic system -- one of the key challenges in astrophysics for the coming decade. The school is mainly addressed to PhD students in Astronomy and Physics and is focused, but not limited, to provide adequate training to the ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) of the GREAT-ITN partners. The event will take place at Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife, Spain) on September 2 to 6, 2013. The school is managed by the GREAT-ITN node at the IAC and is open to students and researchers of an ample variety of backgrounds, interested in galactic systems in general and in the Galaxy, in particular.

The school will be organised in morning and afternoon sessions. During the mornings, the different topics will be developed by the instructors in a series of lectures, each of these focused in a specific area. The afternoons will be shared between lecturers and short presentations of selected contributions.


Dunlap Institute Summer School 2013

Tools and Techniques for Pioneering Astronomers

University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
11-16 August 2013

This summer school is designed with both lecture and laboratory activities that are intended for senior undergraduates and graduate students with a background in Astronomy, Physics, or Engineering.

Register at:
Registration & Travel Grant Deadline: 12 April 2013
Registration Fee (without waiver): $500.00


* The basic principles of astronomical instrumentation
* How telescopes work
* How long- and short-wavelength detectors work
* How high-precision spectrographs work
* Hands-on laboratory activities working directly with optics and mechanical equipment
* Hands-on experience with Fourier Transform Spectrometers


7th IRAM 30m Summerschool

The 7th IRAM 30m summerschool on Millimeter Astronomy will take place in the week of September 13 to 20 this year, in the ski resort Pradollano, in the Spanish Sierra Nevada, at only 15 minutes driving distance from the IRAM 30m telescope.

Registration has now been opened.

The school will combine lectures on millimeter astronomy with hands-on experience with the IRAM 30m telescope. Participants will form small work groups to observe a diverse set of objects of the local universe, ranging from distant galaxies at high redshifts to local galaxies and clouds in the Milky Way, and to sun-grazing comets in the solar system.

Science lectures will be complemented by dedicated presentations on millimeter instrumentation, observing techniques, and data processing. The school is aimed at attracting young scientists to contemporary single-dish millimeter astronomy.

It is limited to about 40 students who will be selected on the basis of their interests, CV, and references.

More information is given on the IRAM homepage: