43rd "Saas-Fee Advanced Course" of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (SSAA)


11-16 March 2013, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
- Prof. Volker Springel:  High perfomance  computing  and numerical modeling
- Prof. Ralf Klessen   :  Modeling physical processes in the ISM
- Prof. Nick Gnedin    :  Modeling physical processes at galactic scales and above
In the last few years it  has become clear that  the  modeling of  star  formation and feedback  processes is  central in  the quest to  find a  solution to  the key problems  of galaxy  formation. Understanding  star formation  in the  first place requires the  ability to model  a number of  complex interleaved processes  in the inter stellar medium, acting on scales that are not accessible in galaxy formation simulations.
The  theory and  numerical models  of  star formation  have traditionally  evolved independently from those  of galaxy  evolution, because  they  act at  different spatial  scales.  Substantial  step  forward  can only  arise  from  the  combined knowledge  of  the  two  research  fields.  Indeed  sensible  sub-grid  galaxy  or cosmological models, which include star formation and feedback require the physics of the  interstellar medium.   The numerical major  techniques to  solve radiation hydrodynamics  coupled with  gravity,  such as  SPH  and AMR,  are already  common between the two fields.
The goal of this SAAS-FEE course is to give an overview of the major computational techniques  used  to  solve   the  equations  governing  self-gravitating  fluids, including  radiation and magnetic  fields, to  make an  inventory of  the physical processes  involved at  different scales,  and  to see  how they  can be  properly incorporated in the simulations.
Hands-on exercises will be proposed in order qto train the students with numerical techniques used in astrophysics. The exercises will cover a variety of topics, linked to the formation of galaxies, like orbits computation, preparation of initial conditions, comparing gravity solvers, performing hydrodynamical tests, analysis and visualization of simulations, etc.
The number of participants is limited to about one hundred. Registrations will be accepted on a "first come first served" basis. We therefore encourage you to apply as soon as possible. More information and on-line registration on the Web at: http://lastro.epfl.ch/conferences/sf2013/registration.cgi