Mª Dolores Rodríguez Frías public outreach talk.

The Severo Ochoa visiting proffessor Mª Dolores Rodríguez Frías gave a public talk entitled "Cosmic Radiation: messenger of the primal and unknown universe" on April 10th at the Casino de La Laguna (Tenerife). Dr. Rodríguez Frías presented the EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory) mission, the first space mission in Astroparticle Physics, to be located in the International Space Station (ISS). This space mission will detect the higher energy range ever observed from space.

Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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