Colloquium by H. Socas at the HAO in Boulder


Héctor Sócas Navarro, staff researcher at the IAC, and currently a Severo Ochoa visitor at the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder (Colorado, EEUU) will give a seminar entitled NICOLE: An Open Source, Massively Parallel Code for Non-LTE Synthesis and Inversion of Spectral Lines and Zeeman-induced Stokes Profiles.

Start date: 9 July, 2014, 15:00
End date: 9 July, 2014, 16:00
Location: HAO, CG1 building, room 2126 (Boulder, EEUU)
Organizer: HAO


With the advent of a new generation of solar telescopes and instrumentation (DKIST, EST, Solar-C, etc), the interest in the interpretation of chromospheric (spectro-polarimetric) observations has spiked, driving in turn a need for suitable diagnostic tools. In this talk I will describe a new code that has been designed for Stokes NLTE radiative transfer (synthesis and inversion). It has been built from scratch with MPI parallelization implemented right from the beginning, with the idea of applying it on massive datasets. NICOLE is about to be released publicly and considerable effort has been put into making it as user-friendly as possible. We hope that it will become a valuable diagnostic tool for the community.

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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