Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae IV
After more than two decades of intensive work, understanding the complex shapes of planetary nebulae and their implication on stellar evolution in general, is still a challenging and exciting goal. This is the fourth meeting of the APN conferences series devoted to this astrophysical problem. It was held from June 18 to 22, 2007, on La Palma in the Canary Islands (Spain). APN4 had a format similar to the previous conference of the series, including invited reviews on specific subjects, invited contributed talks (selected among those proposed by participants), and posters. Ample opportunity was given to participants - and in particular to young researchers - to present new relevant results, both in form of talks and during the extensive discussion times that are foreseen during the conference. In Topics and Sessions, you will find the scientific rationale of APN4, with highlights of some questions that the SOC has identified as critical issues to be addressed. Please think how your work might contribute to any of them: we invite everybody not only to propose a talk on a specific subject, but also to prepare one-slide contributions to be presented in the discussion sessions.
APN4, organized by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, was held in the Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa in Los Cancajos, a quiet beach resort located between the airport and the capital Santa Cruz de La Palma. The hotel offers attractive prices for participants, and even cheaper accommodation is available in the attached H10 Costa Salinas Apartments that belong to the same hotel chain. Click on Accommodation to know how to book the hotel.
Contact: Romano Corradi & Arturo Manchado (co-chairs SOC & LOC)
E-mail: rcorradi@iac.es