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8 January 2002

Introduction of the robot in the ITC's anechoic room.

11 January 2002

Visit of a journalist from the EFE agency, during wich the "imminent conclusion of the portable prototype" announces. In consequence, a diverse mass media repercusion takes place.

30 January 2002

We know the I+D financing within the National Plan Framework (TIC 2001-3916), that ascends to 31.765.000 pesetas ($189,400 aprox.).

6 / 7 February 2002

We assist to the New Technologies and Disabilities European Conference, celebrated in Madrid, Spain, by invitation of the Sciences and Technology Ministry. Our project has an excellent welcome among the assistants as a result of we were a target national and international mass media.

17 / 23 March 2002

We presented the portable prototype in Los Angeles (USA) in the occasion of the 17th Annual International Conference "Technology and Persons with Disabilities" CSUN.

24 / 30 April 2002

The project is presented within the framework of the "Canary Investigates" fair, organized by the Government of the Canary Islands, Spain. We presented posters and we imparted divulging lectures in Tenerife and Las Palmas.

3 July 2002

The communication of PROFIT financing for year 2002 is received, for approximately 22 millions of pesetas ($131,200 aprox.).

September 2002

New people to the project incorporates, in order to complete the web site, lay the foundations of a spacialized sounds treatment and perception group, and to make a set of improvements to the portable prototype.

16 / 19 September 2002

Three members of our team attended to the Forum Acusticum Seville 2002 to expose psychoacoustics subjects (Sevilla, Spain).

23 / 28 September 2002

Both maximuns responsible of our project participated in CIDAT Innauguration Week (Research, Development and Tiflotechnic Application Center), organized by the ONCE in Madrid, Spain.


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