In June 1996 our project was put in contact with the Spanish Office of Patents and Marks to describe the ideas to them on which Virtual Acoustic Space is based and thus it initiated the bibliography and all type of information on compatible projects to ours searc. Our idea turned out to be authentically revolutionary, thus was requested to patent the system for the creation of a virtual acoustic space, on time real, from the information provided by a system of artificial vision.
The scientific diffusion, as well as the intellectual property of the investigations, have been registered and are protected by the patent nº P96002283, with joint titularity of the University of La Laguna and the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, and appearing like authors J.L. González Mora and L.F. Rodríguez Ramos. In the document that the Spanish Office of Patents and Marks published when the patent was accepted it has detailed information on the antecedents of the invention and the description of the invention divided in different subsystems.
You can accede to all the pages of the document from here. (Document in spanish)
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