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IAC's Experimentation Room's History.

How it was before......

Before our experimentation room took form, in these dependencies originally there was a cellar that was used for the storage of obsolete equipment of the IAC's Computer Center.

The room before the reform (1)The room before the reform (2)The room before the reform (3)The room before the reform (4)

The works begin.....

In April of 1997 we received the acoustic preparation project made by D.Antonio Carrión, from the Polytechnical University of Barcelona, that was written up specifically considering the requirements of our project. Next the works began, dividing the cellar in two differentiated zones (lobby and experimentation room). In the room diverse sonorous absorbent panels were placed who can be extracted or dissuade themselves to give the necessary form to the room at every moment, as much in the walls as in the ceiling, so that the laboratory becomes a room of variable echoicity. During these preparation works we also equipped the room with electricity, illumination, ventilation, furniture, local network connection, etc.

Insulating panels (1)Insulating panels (2)Insulating panels (3)

We can't wait......

At the moment of works we were immersed in the attainment of the Bisource Experiment. As it can be seen in the following photography, this experiment was already made in the new room, although indeed it was not finished.

Experimento Bifuente en la sala sin terminar

The works finalized in November 7th, 1997.

At the present time:

At the moment we have a great amount of equipment in the experimentation room. In the control zone (the lobby) we have 4 PCs, printer, telephone, networking, the HURON system mounted in rack with more equipment, amplifier, microphone, a loudspeakers system, bookcases for the storage of equipment and documentation...... all the necessary equipment to control the experiments and to work in other tasks of investigation related to the project. In the experimentation zone we have a matrix of loudspeakers, microphones, the experimentation prototype, a chair with revolving base, diverse panels who reproduce different patterns with black circles (used for the experiments with the prototype), a magnetic signaller, a dummy to experiment in the measurement of HRTF functions, etc.

First work place at the control zoneSecond work place at the control zoneControl zone viewDetail of the equipment mounted in rack

loudspeakers matrixChairinterior (1)interior (2)Magnetic signallerDummy



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