June 2022: Consortium meeting (07-10 June 2023), Marsella.
April 2021: HARMONI pre-optics subsystem (WP-23) passes the Critical Design Review (oCDR).
April 2021: The big cryostat for testing large instruments arrives at the IAC.
Oct 2019: HARMONI Science team meet in Marseilla
Dec 2018: HARMONI and H-LTAO successfully fulfilled the Preliminary Design phase (Phase-B), and ESO approved the design and construction of the LTAO system for HARMONI.
Dec 2018: Press release HARMONI passes its design revision and will be the spectrograph on the future ELT
Sep 2018: HARMONI team members meet in Lyon
Feb 2018: Press release HARMONI team members meet in Tenerife
Nov 2017: Meeting for the HARMONI Preliminary Design Review ( PDR )
Sep 2015: Agreement Signed for E-ELT HARMONI Instrument