Final Catalogue
Once OTELO pseudo-spectra and ancillary data is available, we proceded to data integration to provide a set of data which can be directlly used in scientific explotation. A summary of the process is shown in the figure. It is the final step of data adqusition.
Figure: Overwiev of the generation of the final catalogue. It is currentlly under development.
The elaboration of the final catalogue includes:
- Identify Emission Line Objects (ELO) by OTELO pseudo-spectra.
- Obtain redshifts of all OTELO sources ussing ancillary data, including the OTELO DEEP photometry as additional data point for ELO objects). This process has been performed ussing
Le PHARE code (
Arnouts et al. 1999, MNRAS 310, 540;
Ilbert et al. 2006, A&A 457, 841) with different templates.
- Crossvalidate the redshifts obtained with ancillary data and, when possible, the chemical spice of all OTELO sources.
- Identify sources for posterior follow-up.
- Verify the overall process and obtain first statistics about the survey performance (and compare them with the preliminar expectations).
- Provide the final catalogue to the science group.
Details and results are presented in
Details are presented in
Bongiovanni et al. 2019 (see also
Related Publications).