"Accessible Astronomy", public outreach talk by E. Pérez Montero

On Monday July 21st, the Severo Ochoa visitor Dr. Enrique Pérez Montero will give a public outreach conference at the ONCE headquarters in Tenerife, entitled "Accessible Astronomy, looking for our place in the Universe"

Start date: 21 Jul, 2014 - 19:00
End date: 21 Jul, 2014 - 20:30
Location: Sala Garoé, Dirección de la ONCE, Avda. San Sebastián 3, S/C de Tfe., Tenerife.
Organizer: ONCE

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Severo Ochoa Seminar by prof. G. Meynet

On Thursday July 10th, the Severo Ochoa visitor, Prof. Georges Meynet from the University of Geneva, will give a Severo Ochoa Seminar entitled Massive star evolution along the cosmic history: from first stars to the birth of the Solar System.

Start date: 10 Jul, 2014 - 10:30
End date: 10 Jul, 2014 - 12:00
Location: Aula, IAC Headquarters, Tenerife.
Organizer: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

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Summer course on Cosmology at the UPM

David Sánchez Aguado, Severo Ochoa PhD student at the IAC, will give two lectures, “Cosmology for everyone” and “Surprises, paradoxes and cosmological problems”, as part of the summer course "Cosmology at the present time: problems and possible solutions"organized by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Start date: 9 July, 2014
End date: 10 July, 2014
Location: Real Sitio de San Ildefonso (La Granja), Segovia
Organizer: UPM

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Colloquium by H. Socas at the HAO in Boulder

Héctor Sócas Navarro, staff researcher at the IAC, and currently a Severo Ochoa visitor at the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder (Colorado, EEUU) will give a seminar entitled NICOLE: An Open Source, Massively Parallel Code for Non-LTE Synthesis and Inversion of Spectral Lines and Zeeman-induced Stokes Profiles.
Start date: 9 July, 2014, 15:00
End date: 9 July, 2014, 16:00
Location: HAO, CG1 building, room 2126 (Boulder, EEUU)
Organizer: HAO

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E. Pérez Montero public outreach talk at the MCC

On Friday July 4th, the Severo Ochoa visitor, Dr. Enrique Pérez Montero will give a public outreach conference at the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, entitled "Astronomy, a visual science?"

Start date: 4 Jul, 2014 - 19:00
End date: 4 Jul, 2014 - 20:30
Location: Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, Tenerife.
Organizer: Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos

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Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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