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3. Quick data examination

Now, you are in the directory where you have installed integral package (/package/integral/, according to our example). You should have to change to the directory where you have the images to reduce [*]. You have to do:

cl> cd /work/images/

In order to prepare the files required to the images reconstruction run int_status. This task requires the file databundles.txt in /work/images/database, according to our example. If this subdirectory is not already in existence, you have to create it:

cd> mkdir database

And copy the files databundles.txt, and SB#.status (where #: 1,2,3) from /package/images/database/databundles.txt (which was created during the integral package installation):

cl> cp /package/images/database/databundles.txt database

cl> cp /package/images/database/SB.* database

Now, you can run int_status:

cl> int_status

In order to use int_daref, we recommed copy the file example.ref, which must be in /work/images/database (according to our example):

cl> cp /package/images/database/example.ref database

For a raw analysis of the images integral standard tasks, like imexamine or implot can be used. With imexamine the user can generate profiles along the columns or rows (type j and k respectively), contours (type e) etc.

More complex operations (e.g. extraction of a fibre/aperture, building up a map, etc.) require the knowledge of integral special tasks.

These are the special task of integral package:

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Carlos del Burgo