Get a spectra by stellar parameters

This tool allows you to compute one or several stellar spectra for a set of parameters (Teff, Log(g), [Fe/H]) from one of the two stellar libraries in this website (MILES, CaT). Details of the interpolating algorithm can be found in Vazdekis et al. (2003).

  • Select the stellar library you want to use.
  • Enter the stellar parameters in the Input Parameter boxes
  • In the Output Parameters boxes
    • Enter the desired instrumental configuration in the boxes. For convenience the boxes are filled by default with the limits of the stellar parameters of the chosen library at the nominal wavelength and resolution, but edit the different values at will.
    • For the computation of photometric magnitudes from the spectra, the user should load a file with the desired filter responses as well as choosing a reference zeropoint from the options provided. If no file is uploaded, we will use a default one (filters_default.res). Please use that file as guideline for your own filter file. Magnitudes correponding to filters which are not fully contained within the requested wavelength range will be assigned a -99.99 value.
  • Press the 'Submit Query' button.

IMPORTANT: note that the spectra of our libraries are only flux calibrated in relative terms (not in absolute terms). As a result, the absolute value of the computed magnitudes is not meaningful. They can nevertheless be used to compute colors.

On output, a new window will open with the progress of your query. Links to the desired spectrum, line-strength indices and magnitudes will be provided. For illustration purposes, an image will appear below with the desired spectrum. Note that when the input stellar parameters fall outside the coverage of the libraries the interpolation scheme returns the closest possible without extrapolation. The title of the figure will indicate the final output parameters, while the subtitle will show the input values. The output files will remain in our FTP server for 10 days.

Input parameters
Stellar LibraryTeff [2747,36000]Log(g) [-0.2,5.5][Fe/H] [-2.86,1.65]
Output parameters (help)
λInitial (Å)λFinal (Å)Δλ (Å/pix)SamplingRedshift (z)ResolutionFormat
Enter the filename with the filter responses
(Default: filters_default.res)