Welcome to the SIEpedia, the SIE´s documentation encyclopedia. All the SIEpedia articles address specific issues or questions raised by IAC users, so they do not attempt to be rigorous or exhaustive, and may or may not be useful or applicable in different or more general contexts.
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Tutorials and Manuals
- Guia de HTML y CSS
- Linux Locale
- Environment Variables
- Work at Home
- Work at Home 2
- Work at Home with VPN
- 32-bit vs 64-bit computing
- The Debugger: a programmer's best friend (Webcast)
- VOTools: an overview of Virtual Observatory tools (Webcast)
- Curso de Introduccion a Python para Astrónomos - Webcasts: Dia 1, sesión A, Dia 1, sesión B, Dia 2, sesión A, Dia 2, sesión B, Dia 3, sesión A, Dia 3, sesión B, Dia 4, sesión A, Dia 4, sesión B, Dia 5
- Segundo Curso Practico de la Red Tematica SVO - 4 y 5 de Marzo 2010 (Webcast, Español)
Scripts and Cookbooks
Users' Tips
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