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16 January 1997

It is decided to create a database with with the bibliography of the project, in order to suitably store the enourmous amount of articles that are handled.

30 January 1997

It is decided to use de australian HURON system as the basis of the developments that the project requires in the subjects referring to acoustics. It is a system equiped with a really powerfull and specially flexible architecture, adapted to the purpose that is persecuted. I is, nevertheless, very expensive.

2 February 1997

We published in the newspaper "EL PAÌS" an annoucement requesting a specialist in artificial vision (stereovision). A great amount of request was received, from we preselected two people.

12 March 1997

A new contact with the ONCE, this time directly with its Tiflotechnic Unit, takes place. We exposed the project, its objetives and the achievements reached.

2 April 1997

We decided to make the Multisource Experiment (perception with multiple loudspeakers), althought it caused a delay in the prototype, because it was considered neccesary to have the reference of real loudspeakers before happening to the virtual ones that the prototype would provide.

18 April 1997

The preparation of the IAC's Experimentation Room starts. On a project of accoustic preparation made by D. Antonio Carrión, from the Polytechnical University of Barcelona, Spain, written up specifically for the requirements of the project, the mentioned room is qualified where originally there was a cellar dedicated to the warehouse of obsolete equipment assigned to the IAC's Computer Center. Is is equiped with electricity, local network, ventilation, illumination, furniture.....

27 May 1997

The computerized bibliographical file is concluded. It has more than 200 articles suitably indexed and grouped by subjects. This file is later continued extended.

July 1997

The Bisource Experiment is made, in with the minimum time intervals between sounds area analyzed so that they are independently recognized and separately located.

2 Octubre 1997

The HURON system is received, after multiple difficulties in the purchase procces, specially by administrative difficulties generated by its high cost.

11 October 1997

The first Multisource Experiment with blind people is made, using the HURON system. Candelaria D.A. perceives with exactitude the sources configuration and declares: "It is like one U, or better, like a balcony. I would like to put my head through the hollow".

15 December 1997

The IAC's Experimentation Room is completed.

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